From the summit on a clear day, you can take in views of Mt. Monadonock in Ne Hampshire, the Berkshires to the west, and Boston skyline to the east. The 3,000-acre Wachusett Mountain State Reservation surrounds the summit and offers many opportunities to explore. The Reservation's natural resources include forests, alpine meadows, ponds, streams, fields and even a perched bog. Recreational opportunities abound on the reservation including hiking, nature study, hawk watching, picnicking and skiing. The Reservation offers 17 miles of hiking and walking trails, including 3.9 miles of the Midstate Trail, which runs from Ashburnham to the Rhode Island border. Mountain Road stretches to the John Hitchcock Visitor's Center at the summit, a short distance from the Wachusett Mountain Ski area. which is the largest in eastern Massachusetts.

We parked at the visitor center, it is important to note that the parking lot at the visitor center is limited to 28 spaces, available on a first come first serve basis. If the lotus full, you will be redirected to another trail head around the perimeter of the mountain.
Road to the Summit:
The road to the summit will open for the season on Saturday May 23, 2015 at 1:00pm. It will then be open daily from 9:00am to sunset through the last weekend in October. There is a $5.00 fee to access parking along the summit road and for the parking lots.
The road to the summit will open for the season on Saturday May 23, 2015 at 1:00pm. It will then be open daily from 9:00am to sunset through the last weekend in October. There is a $5.00 fee to access parking along the summit road and for the parking lots.
Trail Maps:
A hike up this beautiful mountain is a great day, adults, kids and Aussies all agree!
- Map for screen:
A hike up this beautiful mountain is a great day, adults, kids and Aussies all agree!